Tuesday, January 19, 2016

INTERVIEW TIPS:How body language help to crack job interview.

1. Start strong:    

Your interviewer approaches you in the waiting room. What now? Nothing says confidence like a firm handshake. Grasp their hand without crushing it, smile, make eye contact. Above all, remember to make eye contact – it instantly establishes rapport and conveys mutual understanding and attention. Approach the person with an open stance, which signals friendliness and honesty.

2. Don’t be distracting:

 By playing with your hair, rubbing or scratching your skin, you may come off as nervous and untrustworthy. Likewise, don’t cross your arms or lean towards the exit – your interviewer might find you standoffish, distant, or disengaged. Keep the focus on the interviewer and what they are saying – people are naturally flattered by attention. It might be hard to remain focused when there is a cacophony of noise right out side your room, or if current employees are doing the conga around the office, but be strong, remain focused and keep eye contact. Interviewers will notice your attention and determination to remain focused.

3. End Strong: 

Wrapping up? Stand up, smile, and shake hands after the interview is over. Be respectful and thank the other person for their time. Exchange the necessary pleasantries and leave slowly, chin up. There is a reason for expressions like “chin up” – our expressions and posture really do indicate important things.
