Thursday, January 26, 2017

What exactly job interview weakness?

job interview weakness
job interview weakness

Job interview weaknesses are aspects of an interview that you feel
you lack confidence with. This means that job interview
weaknesses can range form how clearly you speak when spoken
to, the condition of your nerves, to how well you answer any
questions that an interviewee may ask of you. It is important that
you learn to pinpoint these job interview weaknesses either prior to
a job interview, or in the very least during a job interview that you
were not successful at. If you can pinpoint where your job interview
weaknesses lay after a job interview, you can work on these job
interview weaknesses and improve on them for the next job
interview you attend.

There is nothing wrong with having job interview weaknesses. We
all suffer from one weakness or another when we first begin to
head out to job interviews. This is often because we are put into a
place of 'not being in utmost control'. (meaning, we are not in the
position where we are controlling what is going on around us - we
are the microscopic piece of the interview equation). That could
seem a strange way to put it, but that quite simply is how it is when
you are attending a job interview. The interviewee is studying you,
all of the time. An interviewee will study the way you move, the
way you speak and also what it is you have to say. Rest assured, if
you have job interview weaknesses the interviewee will see these.

If you are lucky enough, when you hear back about how the job
interview went, the interviewee may even pinpoint where your job
interview weaknesses lie. That is always very helpful for a person
who has to move on to another job interview. We cannot improve
on our job interview weaknesses, unless they are recognized and
shown to us. If an interviewee comments on certain job interview
weaknesses, respect what they have to say and learn from what
they have to say. Always take constructive criticism exactly as that
- constructive criticism. This will help you overcome the job
interview weaknesses that you in the meantime possess.

The more job interviews you attend, the less likely you will be at
holding many job interview weaknesses. Your self confidence will
grow, your ability to relate to varying people will grow and your
overall demeanor will grow making you a stronger and more
knowledgeable person when it comes to job interviews.

All I can say now - is Good Luck! 
